So Justin and I have officially been together for four Christmases. We were just friends the first Christmas, engaged the second, and married for the past two. I had a lot of fun picking out Justin's Christmas presents this year. I was excited because I actually had everything ordered, to the house, and wrapped before Thanksgiving! Hopefully that isn't the only time I am ahead of the game :) Anyway, after just getting back from Disneyland, we drove straight to Grandma and Grandpa Waite's house for Christmas Eve (literally, we didn't even change clothes or go to our house!) After the festivities there, we went home, then woke up early the Christmas morning (6am) opened our presents to each other, ran to my parent's place, opened presents there, ate breakfast and by 10am were back on the road to Rupert. We hit one of the worst storms of the season on our way to Rupert. In fact, we were fortunate enough to help several people who were stuck in snow drifts. Thank goodness for being prepared and having our big Land Cruiser. We tried to go to Blackfoot to see Justin's grandparents, but the roads were all closed due to the storm. SO on Friday, we headed back to Nampa and spent the rest of the weekend with my family.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
We went on an awesome vacation to Disneyland with Justin's family between my brithday and Christmas. It was so much fun! Granted it rained the one and only day we went to Disneyland and was gorgeous the other days, oh well. Of course I am the biggest slacker in the world and didn't remember to take a single picture the whole trip. I need to get better about that. Anyway, we did have a great time!!!!
Posted by Carrie at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Carrie Turns 23
I can't believe that I am actually 23. I know you are all going, man that isn't old at all. But here is what is so hard to believe, I turned 18, FIVE YEARS AGO!!! That was such a shocker to me. Anyway, so it's true, I'm definitely NOT a teenager anymore. Oh well, I guess, it happens to even the best of us.
Posted by Carrie at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wild West Christmas
So every year my office throws a HUGE Christmas party. In the past we used to have it all fancy and catered at Crane Creek Country Club. Well, in addition to the fact that the economy sucks right now, our office decided that it would be much wiser to have the party at our office instead of paying to do it somewhere else.
I am always in charge of helping put the party on. This year our theme was a Wild West Christmas. We had a full saloon with a bar, texas hold'em, black jack, craps, roulette, and even rock band :). Because I was running around all crazy like, I didn't make it into any of the photos. But here are a few pics of Justin playing! (and no, we were not drinking :))
Posted by Carrie at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Mike's Home
Wow! That went really really fast! At any rate, Mike is back from basic training and is almost a real live Marine :) We went to the airport as a surprise party for him. Torri's mom was there to pick Mike and Torri up but she didn't realize we were Mike's family. It was pretty funny once she put two and two together!
I am so happy he is home and that he will be home for a little while!
Posted by Carrie at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Here Comes The Bride
YAY! They tied the knot and my sister is now married! Ariel and Anthony got married on Saturday, November 29th! The reception was beautiful and a lot of fun! Not too much went too wrong. We did get to Costco to pick up the serving cakes and realized that they only had 2 of the 4 cakes ready on accident. Luckily, they had some in the freezer we were able to take. My dress was way too big, but Ruth was able to adjust it enough before the reception. Most of all, Ariel and Anthony looked like they were thouroughly enjoying themselves and are definitely in love!
Posted by Carrie at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Luckily, Sadie didn't have another pup before we reached Justin's parents' place. Once at The Reed's home, we tried to set Sadie up in the laundry room where the lights were low and there were fewer people. (This is what MOST dogs would prefer) Does Sadie like her setup? No! Insead, Sadie takes of walking around the house checking every nook and cranny for the perfect birthing spot. She walks into the living room where the whole family, all ten of us, are sitting, plops down in the middle of the room and makes herself at home. Ha ha ha! We did finally convince her to at least go under the computer desk so she wouldn't be right in the walkway.
5 hours later, we have 3 more pups and 2 more to go! So we sit and wait...
and we wait....
and we wait...
since there still was no puppy #5 and we had already given Sadie her shots to induce labor once she was tired, we are forced to call our vet back in Nampa. It is now 5 am and it's been 2.5 hours since her last puppy. John Calhoun, our vet, suggested we start calling other vets because she is probably going to need to have this one pulled or have a C-Section.
Justin starts calling random vets out of the phone book. Several don't answer, one finally answers but refuses to get on the phone and just translates through his wife. FINALLY, we get ahold of a vet who says to meet him at his office in an hour. It has now been 7 hours since her last puppy was born - a very risky amount of time!
At 9am Thanksgiving morning, we took Sadie and all four puppies to the vet. After several blood tests, and an ultra sound, the vets determine that Sadie needs a C-Section. Based on the ultra sound, they were guessing that we had at least 2 puppies for sure left, 1 with a nice strong heart beat and 1 with a very weak 40 beats per minute heart.
We asked the vets to go ahead and fix Sadie while they were performing the surgery since we were already planning on getting this done once the pups were weaned. We decided we'd rather have her deal with one surgery instead of two.
At about 11am, the vet finally appears with our VERY sad looking, doped up Sadie. I should have taken a picture of her, it was so sad! She was completely out of it, but awake. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth to one side and she really looked dead. Skinny, but dead.
We asked the vet how many puppies she had and what their statuses were. The vet looked at us with wide eyes and held up his entire hand...FIVE more puppies! Sadie had been pregnant with NINE puppies!!!!!!!! Her poor little body should really only be having four at most, six has been a very large litter. The seven she had last time was just nuts and now NINE!
One of the puppies was born still, not the one with the slow heart beat. So we ended up with eight healthy pups. We have to watch the little spotted boy because he is the one who was stuck and his poor little head was ramming up against Sadie's pelvis for 7 hours straight.
All in all, they are doing just fine. You should watch their pictures - we post them every week!
Posted by Carrie at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Family Pictures
The one thing that most attracted me to Justin's family was how similar they were to my own! Kind of crazy, but crazy felt normal! The last family picture Justin's family had was shortly after Jordan's birth...he is 17 now and Adam, who is 14, wasn't even born! My family wasn't much better. Our last one was taken when I was 14 and before that, I think I was 3! However, with all the family additions on both sides we had the opportunity to have family pictures taken this fall!!! They look blurry on here, but here they are!
Posted by Carrie at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Welcome Home
Yesterday was an exciting day for all of Justin's family. Tony, the middle child :), came home from his mission! It was an eventful day and there were many tears shed. Justin is so happy to have his little brother home.
Posted by Carrie at 4:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
In The Face Of Hatred
All photos courtesy of Amy Fisler. Copyright 2008. Amy Fisler. All rights reserved.

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It has been an interesting week.
The Chinese homily, “May you live in interesting times,” has its roots in a curse, not a blessing.
As I said, it has been an interesting week.
The controversy in California regarding Proposition 8 (the proposed amendment to the California constitution defining marriage to be strictly between a man and a woman) built to a frenzy in the days leading up to Tuesday's election and then exploded into anger and violence in the aftermath of Prop 8's slim passage into law.

I am a Los Angeles Police Department detective supervisor running a sex crimes unit covering the western quarter of the city, which also includes the area where the Los Angeles temple is located. I have a fantastic crew of 20 detectives who are an amazing mixture of races and sexes. I have several detectives who are openly gay or lesbian. This orientation has nothing to do with their efficiency as investigators. I deeply respect and like these individuals. I enjoy working with them. My life is often in their hands when we serve high risk search or arrest warrants. I trust them implicitly.
Obviously, the types of crimes we investigate bring us into regular contact with victims who are of an alternative lifestyle orientation. It is incumbent upon us that our compassion for these victims be no less than for victims who are heterosexual.
Hard Choices

Still, I watched in amazement as my fellow ward and stake members worked tirelessly, committing themselves full-heartedly to the cause – not out of homophobic hatred, but out of a love of Christ and a belief in the sanctity of traditional marriage. Their faith strengthened mine, and I committed to participate in a sign waving public rally sponsored by our stake to be held at a local intersection.
By following through on this commitment, I found I had a greater stake in the battle than I had ever thought. I learned a number of hard and harsh lessons. And in the events following the election and passage of Proposition 8, I felt great anguish forcing me to drop to my knees in prayer – eventually coming to a more personal understanding of the Love of Christ and what he expects from me.
During the Proposition 8 rally, as I stood with my wife and friends waving Yes On 8 signs and waving to the passing rush hour traffic, I learned several things. I learned supporters of both Yes On 8 and No On 8 liked to honk their horns. I learned the way to tell the difference is the No On 8 supporters usually accompanied their horn honking with an obscene gesture or a string of obscenities. They also liked to swerve their cars toward the children on the curb.

I learned when we didn't engage in argument with the No On 8 supporters who intermingled with us in the intersection, they became enraged, red faced, and fit to burst.
I have no doubt Yes On 8 supporters both from our church and other churches engaged at some point in the shouting matches during the numerous rallies and demonstrations across the state. However, on the evening of my participation, I was amazed by the cool and non-confrontational way the Yes On 8 supporters conducted themselves.
I learned at the rally several of our ward members had received hate mail after their names, religious affiliation, contribution amounts, and addresses were published on a website inciting No On 8 supporters to target the listed individuals. Their houses and cars had been vandalized, their campaign support signs stolen, and opposition signs planted in their place.

When I returned home after the rally, I had a huge headache and my stomach was in knots. I am not a fan of confrontation, and the noise of the horn honking, both pro and con, and the divisive atmosphere inherent in the volatile situation had taken its toll. Still, after praying with my wife, I felt calmer and was pleased we had chosen to participate. While our efforts were miniscule compared to the hours of service to the cause provided by others, we had at least jumped down from the fence and done something.
Then I saw the latest No On 8 television commercial.

Supposedly produced by an independent group not affiliated with the official No On 8 campaign, the thirty second commercial spot shows two scruffy male white actors portraying Mormon missionaries who force their way into the well-kept home of a married lesbian couple.
“Hi, we're from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” one says.
“We're here to take away your rights,” says his companion.
The missionaries then rip the wedding rings from the women's fingers and ransack the house until they find the women's marriage license, which they destroy.
“Hey, we have rights,” one of the women says.
“Not if we can help it,” answers a missionary.
Moving outside the residence, one of the missionaries smugly says, “That was easy.”
Flexing his muscles, his companion asks, “What do we want to ban next?”
While I was appalled by the commercial, I was even more appalled both MSNBC and The Comedy Channel happily took money to broadcast this overtly hate filled vignette. I cannot imagine a similar commercial, targeted at any other religious or racial group, not being considered a hate crime with a civic outcry for prosecution.
My hackles were beginning to rise in a distinctly unchristian way. However, the fun was just beginning.
Election Day And Aftermath
Election day in California saw numerous No On 8 activists distributing literature and vocalizing at polling sites in clear violation of election laws. Police were called, 100 yard distances from the polling places were paced off, yet the agitation continued.

Despite these efforts, Proposition 8 obtained a slim majority (52.5% to 47.5%). Exit polls showed the proposition was supported by 7 of 10 Black voters, a majority of Latino voters, and by people with children under the age of 18 still at home. Clearly, it was supported by all people who believed marriage is a special and protected institution.
The day after the election, spontaneous protests sprung up in West Hollywood – a small residential community, with a large gay and lesbian population, located within Los Angeles County , but just outside Los Angeles city borders. The protests did not have a particular focus or target other than outrage as they strayed outside the confines of West Hollywood and into Beverly Hills , Hollywood , and West Los Angeles . Several arrests were made, but the seething anger at the passage of Proposition 8 was not dampened.
On Thursday, however, two days after the election, rumors began to be picked up by LAPD of a large protest organized by gay and lesbian activists and their supporters to be staged outside the Los Angeles LDS temple on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Los Angeles.

LAPD has 22 geographic Areas divided between 4 administrative Bureaus . My investigative unit is attached to Operations-West Bureau – which has responsibility for the area where the Los Angeles temple grounds are located. We operate out of a squadroom across from the Bureau's administrative offices. In such proximity, I was in a position to observe the command post set up in the Bureau offices to monitor the actions of the field command post charged with keeping the already illegal (no permits) protest peaceful.
What I learned by watching and listening shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. During my 30+ year tenure, the LAPD as an organization has made great professional strides in the internal battle against sexual harassment, sexual orientation harassment, and racism. While there are still those in civil liberty organizations who contest we are still guilty of racially profiling on the streets (difficult to imagine when our department is so thoroughly integrated at this point in time), organizationally there is little or no tension remaining in these areas.
In the Bureau command post there was a large screen television displaying scenes from the protest outside the Los Angeles temple. Imagine my surprise, when angry protestors began rushing the closed temple gates, and I heard an officer in the command post say, “I hope they burn that place to the ground.”

Imagine my even stronger surprise when another officer replied, “They better hope they don't get through the gates, because the Mormons have an army in a bunker under the temple that will come out and kill them all.”
Really? My temple recommend must not be of a high enough clearance to get me into that part of the temple.

I'm now doing a slow burn. Not only am I watching a sacred building under siege from 2,500 angry people shouting, “ SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND HATE,” and carrying signs proclaiming MORMON HATERS and LOVE NOT HATE, I'm listening to other police officers who agree with the protestors or have the most imaginative fantasies about blood atonement armies hidden under the temple (exactly how do we feed them, drill them, get them in and out without anybody seeing, or are they all in a state of suspended animation until needed?).
I want to emphasize these were not officers or detectives from my own unit – who are all aware of my Mormon faith. Those in my unit who disagree with me over this issue are respectfully tolerant, as I am respectfully tolerant of their opposite beliefs. Tolerance, as Orson Scott Card recently pointed out, is indicative of disagreement. It is not a battle we choose to fight amongst ourselves. Most of us have known each other for a long time and are either embracing of, or oblivious to, our differences – divisiveness has no place in the types of investigations we conduct.

The worst, however, was yet to come. The temple presidency made a decision to close the temple for the evening. The right decision, but since when do we as Americans stand by – no matter what our religion – while access to a place of worship is forced to close down because of aggressive outside influences?

The late local news showed scenes of several Hispanic females in tears outside the temple trying to remove the signs desecrating the walls and fences surrounding the temple. As these individuals – who according to a temple spokesperson were not church members – removed the hate-filled signs, the mob exploded and began beating the individuals to the ground. Police intervened and arrests were made, but the fact this was allowed to happen at all was appalling.
Other supporters of Yes On 8 drove slowly by the protestors with Yes On 8 signs attached to their cars and pickups sparking other violent confrontations.

A friend of mine, watching the same scenes play out on the television, called and said he felt like he wanted to go down to the temple with a baseball bat and begin swinging at the demonstrators. I must admit, the natural man in me agreed.
In actuality, the scenes on the television, literally drove me to my knees in prayer for the safety of the temple, the members, and our church. A lesson I have learned several times before, caused me to expand my prayers to include those who were opposing us for they are not our enemies – they are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Appropriate Response
In the face of hatred, how are we to feel about this focused attack upon our church? An attack launched not because we are the only supporters of Proposition 8, but because we have been the most visible and financially supportive entity in the battle. We are an easy target.
In a recent article on Christian Courage , Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote, “I would say that one of mortality's great tests comes when our beliefs are questioned or criticized. In such moments, we may want to respond aggressively – to put up our dukes . But these are important opportunities to step back, pray, and follow the Savior's example. Remember, Jesus Himself was despised and rejected by the world. And in Lehi's dream, those coming to the Savior also endured ‘mocking and pointing … fingers' (1 Nephi 8:27). ‘The world hath hated [my disciples],' Jesus said, ‘because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world' (John 17:14). But when we respond to our accusers as the Savior did, we not only become more Christlike, we invite others to feel His love and follow Him as well.

“To respond in a Christlike way cannot be scripted or based on a formula. The Savior responded differently in every situation. When He was confronted by wicked King Herod, He remained silent. When He stood before Pilate, He bore a simple and powerful testimony of His divinity and purpose. Facing the moneychangers who were defiling the temple, He exercised His divine responsibility to preserve and protect that which was sacred. Lifted up upon a cross, He uttered the incomparable Christian response: ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do' (Luke 23:34).”
We have often been instructed to love our enemies, and despite the current horror of our trials, this is no time to do differently.

As I write this (Friday, November 7, 2008), plans are being made by the LAPD to respond to another larger protest/demonstration being planned by No On 8 supporters to be staged in front of the Los Angeles temple on Saturday.
This is interesting since Saturday is my stake's day in the temple. For some weeks now, we have been encouraging families to come together to the temple on Saturday to participate in ordinances.

How do we respond to hatred disguised by the adversary as tolerance? Our stake president has talked to the temple presidency who has assured him the temple will be open for business as usual. There are eight weddings scheduled on the grounds. Will we be able to get to the temple without being molested or our vehicles vandalized? We must place our faith in the Lord and proceed.

Challenges to our faith are not new. Nor are they likely to go away anytime soon. But, as Elder Hales reminds us, “True disciples of Christ see opportunity in the midst of opposition. We can take advantage of such opportunities in many ways: a kind letter to the editor, a conversation with a friend, a comment on a blog, or a reassuring word to one who has made a disparaging comment. We can answer with love those who have been influenced by misinformation and prejudice – who are ‘kept from the truth because they know not where to find it' (D&C 123:12). I assure you that to answer our accusers in this way is never weakness. It is Christian courage in action.”

Lessons Learned
Clearly there are lessons to be learned from the current unrest:
Tolerance is not agreement and should not be a one way street. However, we must still remain tolerant of those who are intolerant of us.
Recognize the adversary at work here – making good seem bad and evil seem good.
We can only be disciples of Christ when we respond to adversity in a Christlike manner. To do less opens our actions to the influence of the adversary and hurts us even more.
We should never take for granted the opportunities we have to gather together in worship. We should never put off the opportunity to attend the temple. For these valuable things can be disrupted and possibly even closed to us – if not permanently, then at least on a temporary basis.
Pray. Often. Don't forget to include those who are set against you.
And finally, have no doubt President Monson knows where all of this is leading. He will surely reveal the knowledge to us on the Lord's timetable. Meanwhile, we must support and trust him, his inspired councilors, and our inspired local leaders in our actions. Their actions of Christian courage will be our examples.
Posted by Carrie at 12:23 PM 2 comments
Bridal Showers
I have decided that it's a good thing my parents only had two girls. The day of my bridal shower (almost two years ago, WOW) Grandpa Hobdey was coming over to my folks' place to help with something. He slipped on the ice and ended up breaking his hip. We had to call the ambulance and he had to undergo emergency surgery since the ball was completely broken off. Needless to say, Grandpa is great and my shower went well.
Ariel's shower is tomorrow!!! Sadly, our Great Uncle Arlo passed away earlier this week and his funeral is also tomorrow in Utah. This is making it so many of our family who would like to attend the shower can't as well as many who would like to attend the funeral can't.
At any rate, I think we are about 95% ready for the shower tomorrow. We won't be 100% ready...not even after the shower is over. Ha ha ha. I'm looking forward to the wonderful lunch and the game my mom and I prepared is going to be SO much fun!
Love ya sis!
Posted by Carrie at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Crazy Season
For starters, Minico won the football game last week against Middleton. Sadly, Jordan was injured in the first half and had to sit out for the rest of the game. We're hoping that he is back 110% for Friday's game against Jerome. (Kickoff is at 7pm at Minico if anyone wants to join us)
That brings me to my topic of discussion. Justin and I were looking at our travel plans through the first of the year. I am SO glad that gas prices have finally started to dwindle. This is what our schedule looks like:
- November 14th - Minico football - kickoff 7pm
- November 15th - 11am - Ariel Bridal Shower in Nampa
- November 18th - 12pm - Pick up Tony from airport in Twin Falls (WELCOME HOME)
- November 21st - 7pm - Football game...hopefully, destination unknown
- November 22nd - Family photos in Rigby (tenative)
- November 23rd - 9am - Carter's baby blessing and Tony's homecoming report in Rupert
- November 26th - Travel to Rupert for Thanksgiving
- November 27th - Thanksgiving in Rupert
- November 28th - Travel home to setup for the wedding
- November 29th - Ariel & Anthony Wedding and Reception in Nampa
- December 19th - 23rd - Reed Family Vacation in California
- December 24th - 25th - Christmas Eve & Christmas in Nampa
- December 25th - Christmas in Rupert
And that's just the stuff that involves some sort of travel! It's gonna be a crazy season for sure!!! Hopefully we'll see some of you during this time!
Posted by Carrie at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Yes, I know that posting lots in one day doesn't really make up for missed time. But hey, I do what I can :)
Jordan and the Minico Spartan's are in the state football playoffs. They play at Minico tonight against Middleton at 7pm.
Good Luck!!!!
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 1:40 AM 0 comments
More Dogs!!!
Aye yi yi! Due to an accidental association Sadie and Copper had during her last heat cycle, we are now expecting puppies....again! We did plan on having one more litter, but we were intending on waiting until September of NEXT year before we bred them again.
This will be our very last litter as we will be getting Sadie fixed as soon as possible. PLEASE if you know anyone who is interested give them our contact information. We want to get rid of these little buggers quicker than the last litter.
Sadie is due the week of Thanksgiving...three weeks to plan!
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 1:37 AM 1 comments
School Update
Ha ha ha, I love how every time we make a decision regarding changes.
We have made the decision for Justin to go ahead and stay at Boise State for two more years following graduation in order for him to get his Master's Degree. We are super excited about that. As a result, though, I have to stay in school as well because we cannot start paying on our student loans until he has graduated.
I have switched majors to Communication. I will be receiving my Bachelor's Degree in May 2010. I will then go on to receive my Master's Degree also. I will be getting this in Educational Technology. I'm not sure if I will be getting that from Boise State or Western Governors University. Both have the program available entirely online.
The best part about all of this is that we think that we have figured out how to afford both of us in school full time without me working.
Granted, this will probably change at some point, I hope this is how things remain!
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 1:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So I've been asked this several times :) YES, I am indeed still in school. I know, 5 years full-time college and not a single degree to show it off. I am kind of at a stalling point right now though.
Justin only has 3 semesters left including the one we are currently in (YAY). He should be graduating in December 2009 - go ahead and mark your calendars!
Because I have to work full-time in order to pay for the beautiful house we just purchased, I am going to have to put finishing school on the back burner until Justin graduates. Right now, I have been fortunate enough to be able to take some classes toward my degree through night or online classes. Unfortunately, each semester it is a gamble as to whether or not they will offer enough classes that I need in order for me to continue full-time.
I have taken this as an opportunity to take classes that don't necessarily work toward my degree, but do interest me. I am currently taking a history class on America in the 1960's. WOW! This class is amazing!
Hopefully, I'll be able to finish someday. :)
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 1:42 PM 1 comments
Uncle Justin and Aunt Carrie
BABY CARTER IS HERE!!!!!! He arrived on Monday, September 8th at 12:02 am weighing 6 lbs 11 oz and he was 21 inches long. He is such a cute little baby. Candice and Chad are, of course, loving him dearly. Carter seems to be a very quiet baby so far, which is great for new mommy! Here are some pics of the little bugger!
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Free At Last
Okay, so maybe that header is a little over the top. We did sell our last puppy this weekend! YAY! I feel confident that he is in a great home where he is going to be loved dearly. Of course having this little guy for 17 weeks rather than the normal 8, we grew very close to him and were a little bit more picky as to who he ended up with.
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
All Settled In
Whew! We are just about done unpacking boxes. We only have about 3 left...but it's been that way for over a week now. Woops. At any rate, the dogs have finally gotten used to their doggy door. The puppies are opening their eyes and starting to stand. We have just about gotten the commute times down and we are absolutely loving our new house. In case you missed the memo, our new address is:
3521 Sunnyridge Rd
Nampa, ID 83686
We plan on being here for a while. At least until Justin and I have both graduated from college.
Hope all is going well!
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 3:04 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
YAY! Puppies!
I am exhausted! Justin got home last night around 5:30 to find Sadie had already delivered her first pup of the litter. We are guessing that she had a very strenuous labor with him due to her exhaustion. Sadly, the little white and brown male had been dead for well over an hour by the time Justin got there. We aren't exactly sure what happened, but we are assuming that he was either still-born or suffocated during birth or shortly thereafter. Sadie was taking good care of her dead baby when Justin got home, which only made it more sad.
I arrived home shortly after 6. Sadie appeared to go into labor again not too long after I got home. Justin and I watched and waited, hoping everything would go okay. The baby's head came out but before it was all the way out, Sadie started licking and cleaning the sac. It broke, as it's supposed to. However, because the baby wasn't completely out yet, it sucked back up inside of Sadie. We called the vet hoping to be able to get some instruction. After reaching in and feeling around, we concluded that we could not reach the baby and it was probably a goner since it could no longer breathe.
Then Sadie just stopped. She completely gave up and quit having contractions. Per our vets instruction, we rushed her in to the Pet Emergency Room. Three shots, two pulled pups, one x-ray, and 7.5 hours later we were heading home with 6 beautiful healthy little pups and an extremely tired mama Sadie.
I am so glad we went in to the ER. They had to do some fancy foot work to get the pups to come. The one who went back inside was almost too big to pass through the birth canal. She was the fourth puppy born at the vets and is breathing just fine.
Now I'm tired and can't wait for a great night's sleep tonight!
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 9:21 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Weekend Update
Just wanted to share. We went to Rupert this weekend to celebrate Candice's, 23rd birthday! We had a ton of fun and were able to enjoy listening to General Conference together.
That was a neat experience. President Gordon B Hinckley passed away January 25th so the first session of General Conference was a Solemn Assembly in which we recognized the new Prophet and President of The Church, Thomas S Monson. That was pretty cool. Not that often you can experience that kind of a meeting.
While the boys went to the Priesthood session Saturday night, Candice, Merena, Jordan's girlfriend, Tiffany, and I put together our 72-hour kit lists and shopped for the food. That was a fun. The best thing I got from the whole experience was that Justin and I had been forgetting to plan for our dogs! Oooops! So we now have 72-hour kits for Sadie and Copper. Not like it takes much for them, but at least now we have a food supply, extra water, extra leashes, and some extra treats for them if we ever were in a situation that we needed them.
Candice sure looks pregnant :) It's cute though. She and Sadie had a special bond this weekend I think. They are about the same into their gestation period right now. Even though Sadie will only be prego for about 2 months, she's 3 weeks along and Candice is 4 months along. They were funny together.
We had a great time and can't wait for the family to come up in a couple weeks to help us move! Candice and Chad will be finding out what they are having on the 25th, so they'll be bringing good news that weekend!
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Why Use A Realtor????
So yeah, I work at a real estate company. I know many of you think that Realtors are just like car salesman. While some, maybe even many of them are, I want to share my personal experiences with you.
I feel strongly, and not just because of my line of business, that everyone should always use a Realtor. Especially when buying a home. Here are some of the benefits I have found in using a Realtor:
1. Your Realtor can help you determine your buying power -- that is, your financial reserves plus your borrowing capacity. If you give a Realtor some basic information about your available savings, income and current debt, he or she can refer you to lenders best qualified to help you. Most lenders -- banks and mortgage companies -- offer limited choices.
2. Your Realtor has many resources to assist you in your home search. Sometimes the property you are seeking is available but not actively advertised in the market, and it will take some investigation by your agent to find all available properties.
3. Your Realtor can assist you in the selection process by providing objective information about each property. Agents who are Realtors have access to a variety of informational resources. Realtors can provide local community information on utilities, zoning. Schools, etc. There are two things you'll want to know. First, will the property provide the environment i want for a home or investment? Second, will the property have resale value when i am ready to sell?
4. Your Realtor can help you negotiate. There are myriad negotiating factors, including but not limited to price, financing, terms, date of possession and often the inclusion or exclusion of repairs and furnishings or equipment. The purchase agreement should provide a period of time for you to complete appropriate inspections and investigations of the property before you are bound to complete the purchase. Your agent can advise you as to which investigations and inspections are recommended or required.
5. Your Realtor provides due diligence during the evaluation of the property. Depending on the area and property, this could include inspections for termites, dry rot, asbestos, faulty structure, roof condition, septic tank and well tests, just to name a few. Your Realtor can assist you in finding qualified responsible professionals to do most of these investigations and provide you with written reports. You will also want to see a preliminary report on the title of the property. Title indicates ownership of property and can be mired in confusing status of past owners or rights of access. The title to most properties will have some limitations; for example, easements (access rights) for utilities. Your Realtor, title company or attorney can help you resolve issues that might cause problems at a later date.
6. Your Realtor can help you in understanding different financing options and in identifying qualified lenders.
7. Your Realtor can guide you through the closing process and make sure everything flows together smoothly.
8. When selling your home, your Realtor can give you up-to-date information on what is happening in the marketplace and the price, financing, terms and condition of competing properties. These are key factors in getting your property sold at the best price, quickly and with minimum hassle.
9. Your Realtor markets your property to other real estate agents and the public. Often, your Realtor can recommend repairs or cosmetic work that will significantly enhance the salability of your property. Your Realtor markets your property to other real estate agents and the public. In many markets across the country, over 50% of real estate sales are cooperative sales; that is, a real estate agent other than yours brings in the buyer. Your Realtor acts as the marketing coordinator, disbursing information about your property to other real estate agents through a multiple listing service or other cooperative marketing networks, open houses for agents, etc. The Realtor code of ethics requires Realtors to utilize these cooperative relationships when they benefit their clients.
10. Your Realtor will know when, where and how to advertise your property. There is a misconception that advertising sells real estate. The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS studies show that 82% of real estate sales are the result of agent contacts through previous clients, referrals, friends, family and personal contacts. When a property is marketed with the help of your REALTOR, you do not have to allow strangers into your home. Your REALTOR will generally prescreen and accompany qualified prospects through your property.
11. Your Realtor can help you objectively evaluate every buyer's proposal without compromising your marketing position. This initial agreement is only the beginning of a process of appraisals, inspections and financing -- a lot of possible pitfalls. Your Realtor can help you write a legally binding, win-win agreement that will be more likely to make it through the process.
12. Your Realtor can help close the sale of your home. Between the initial sales agreement and closing (or settlement), questions may arise. For example, unexpected repairs are required to obtain financing or a cloud in the title is discovered. The required paperwork alone is overwhelming for most sellers. Your Realtor is the best person to objectively help you resolve these issues and move the transaction to closing (or settlement).
So now that you know the "fact" side of using a Realtor, let me tell you about Justin and my most recent experience in purchasing our home:
Justin and I decided to start looking at purchasing a home shortly after I received my promotion at work - yay! Keep in mind that I work at a real estate office and have full access to every single home that is in the system here in the Treasure Valley as well as some in other parts of the state. As we began looking, I found several homes in our price range. Justin and I did all of the research. We did our own comps, started the loan approval process, pulled all the houses we wanted to see. We felt pretty good, like we had a hang on what was going to happen. The only thing we needed was a Realtor to open the homes so we could peak inside and make our final decision. Boy, were we wrong!
As it turns out, most of the homes we'd pulled were short sales. We'd heard that you could get a pretty good deal on short sale homes since the owner doesn't have a say in the sales price - the bank that holds the loan does. What we didn't know was while that is true, it can take up to 3 months to hear back from the bank whether your offer was accepted or not. That means if you submit an offer, you could wait months and then find out that your offer wasn't accepted and you'd have to start the process all over. Loan rates would be different, the homes you had previously viewed would no longer be on the market, the housing costs may jump during that time, etc. Way too many variables for us. PLUS, we needed to be moving out of our rental before July 1.
So our Realtors, Barbara Dawson and Kim Davis, helped us understand a lot of that information. We found a really cute home on Queens Drive, about 1/4 mile north of my parent's place. It was wonderful. It had RV parking, a storage shed, 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It was only 950 sqft, but it was great and the price seemed right. The home had been on the market for 70 days without any activity, it seemed perfect! Kim helped us write up an offer and submit it to the other agency who took it to their sellers. Lo and behold, another offer came in on the same day offering more than asking price and we lost the house.
Luckily, we had seen another home about 3 miles east of the first one. It was on Bonneville. It too seemed really cute. It was further from the freeway than we had hoped and not quite on the right kind of road, but we liked it. We loved the fact that the back door was off the linoleum covered dining room instead of the light carpet like the Queens house. However, we didn't get the chance to go in the home as the tenants were not exactly cooperating. We went ahead and wrote up an offer on this home for full asking price with a contingency upon seeing the inside of the home. Since Justin and I both work during the day and Justin had school, the earliest we could get out to Nampa to see the home was after 6 - much too dark to really check out a home.
Our offer was accepted and the next day the tenants called Barb and Kim letting them know that we could see the home that day between 1-2:30pm. YA RIGHT! Like we could make it out there during that time frame. Barb and Kim surprised both Justin and me, they drove clear out to Nampa during that time frame to check out the house. They also viewed several other homes in the area that were in our price range! At this point, Justin and I were more than impressed with Barb and Kim, but the story doesn't stop here.
We were able to write a termination of contract on the home with the water issues and received our Earnest Money back.
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 3:20 PM 0 comments
A Big Girl....
I always knew that someday I'd have to grow up and start being a big girl. I really thought that would happen right when I moved out and went to college...but I think I digressed once I got to Rexburg! So then, I thought maybe when I transferred to Boise State and wasn't living in the "college town" setting I would be forced to grow didn't happen then either.
I started a "real job" working "real hours" with people who had already done the college thing, the parent thing, and are well into the grandparent thing. All I've learned about being a big girl from that is when you are 10-60+ years younger than all your can't really be a big girl!
So as life kept rolling, I finally found the love of my life. Justin and I were married in January, 2007. I thought for sure, I was now going to be a big girl. Ha ha ha ha, yeah right! We've been married over a year now and I am still far from being that big girl my mom always told me I was going to become.
We are now less than 20 days from purchasing our first home. I have started my first garden inside already so once we move in I'll be ready to plant my seedlings. And as I sit here, thinking about my past stepping stones, I am really thinking that this might be the move towards being a big girl...but I am starting to think this whole big girl thing is a lie and that really, we're all little girls forever :)
Posted by Justin and Carrie Reed at 10:54 AM 0 comments