He is finally here! Ryker John Reed was born on Tuesday, December 1st at 8:05pm in St. Luke's Hospital, Meridian, Idaho. He weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. and was 21 3/4 inches long.
We went to the hospital at 6:30 Tuesday morning for a scheduled labor inducement. I was actually happy about scheduling his birthday. No offense to everyone with a November birthday, but I think December's birthstone is a lot prettier...but I am bias and I know it! Everything was all setup and ready to go when we got there, it really was nice! The room they had me in was HUGE!
Getting Ready to go to the Hospital
After they got the pitocin going to induce labor I started having really regular contractions. The funny part though was that I couldn't feel them...not even a little bit! At about 9:30 my water broke on its own and that is when the pain really started pretty heavily! By 10:30 they had my epidural in and the pain was gone...nothing can explain how wonderful an epidural is!
Ryker was born later in the evening, though I didn't get to hold him right away. There was merconium in the amniotic fluid so they had to check him and make sure he didn't swallow or breathe any before I was given him. Poor little guy came out face up with his head to the left so his head was all sorts of deformed. The swelling went down pretty quickly though.
Being Weighed
My first thought when I saw Ryker was that I couldn't believe how much he looked like MY DAD only with Justin's nose! Ha ha ha! Then it set in, I'm a MOM!!! I remember asking Ryker, "Okay Kid, now what???"
We had quite a few visitors come see us in the hospital and actually ended up staying in the hospital Tuesday and Wednesday night and came home around 2 on Thursday afternoon. Justin's mom, Merena, was there to greet us and had made the cutest little gingerbread men/women to welcome Ryker.
"Welcome Home Ryker!"
Merena stayed with us through Saturday, which was so awesome! It was great to have her here to help!
I am so excited our little man is here...Let's get this party started! :)