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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stupid Hospital Nurse....

Okay, so I go to the doctor every week now...

On November 4th, my doctor measured me and told me that I was 2 cm dilated and half-way effaced. I guess this is incredibly unusual for first time mamas to be that dilated that early.

SO, when I went in on November 9th, my doctor measured again and said that I was almost 3 cm dilated this time. He also went ahead and stripped my membranes in an attempt to get labor started a little earlier. Justin went with me to this appointment and Dr. Agrusa told us that the baby's head was sitting real low and that the water sac was bulging and about ready to burst. He doubted that we would make it through the weekend. I know that I have never been in labor before, but our doctor told us that if I have contractions 3-5 minutes apart consistantly for 2 hours that I need to go in to the hospital.

Thursday night, November 12th, guess what. Contractions every 4 minutes for more than 2 hours. They weren't keel over and stop breathing contractions, but they were consistant and continued whether I was standing, sitting, laying, walking, etc. So we followed orders and went ahead and went in to the hospital.

It happened that Dr Agrusa was the doctor on call for my office that night.

When the nurse checked us in, she did her thing and then asked if I had been dilated at the last office visit. I told her yes and repeated what Agrusa had told us. She went ahead and measured me to see if I had changed since then. As she finished her exam, she proceeded to tell me that she didn't know where Agrusa got that measurement and that I was only a 1, maybe 1.5, but definitely not almost a 3. You never go backward on dilation, so we just stuck to what Agrusa had told us and she told us she was going to go give him a call.

She was gone for a period of time and then came back in to the office. She informed us that she didn't know where I had gotten that because Agrusa just told her that he had written down that I was barely a 1.5 and not effaced at all. She then told us that he told her to just tell me to go home and wait until the contractions were so strong that I can't breathe, talk or walk through them.

So we left...I mean what are we going to do call her names?

My next doctors appointment was on Tuesday, November 17th. When I went in I had Dr Agrusa measure me again because I was really confused as to what had happened. I explained the whole situation and you should have seen the look on his face!

First of all, when he measured me again he said I was still about a 3 and everything was pretty much the same except that the baby was sitting even lower now. He explained that nurses don't always measure correctly and that she was just stupid to say I was even close to a 1, because I was way more dilated than that.

Second, I guess the nurse NEVER CALLED HIM!!! He said that if he had received a phone call about me on Thursday he would have come in, popped my water, and we would have had a baby because of how close I am and the fact that my body is already so prepared. He was livid that she sent us home and even more mad that she didn't call him.

Anyway, so we are back to square one as far as this little guy coming to join us. My body hasn't really had any contractions since then - a few strong ones but nothing consistant. I can't complain too much though, my due date isn't even until we have a few days still!

Oh and if you happen to be in the market looking for an OB/GYN, Dr. Phillip Agrusa at OB/GYN Associates is AWESOME!!! He's got such a great personality and isn't creepy at all (yes even Justin likes him) The office number is 888-0909


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