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Friday, December 31, 2010

Carrie's New Years Resolutions

I feel like I really have some things that I would like to work on this year. It's really the first year that I feel that I am actually in control of most aspects of my life so that my resolutions might actually be achievable. In the past I have been too dictated by school, work, or simply the unknown to really set goals for myself - or so I always thought. So here it goes:

  1. WORK DURING WORK HOURS - No more spending time in front of the computer rather than spending time with my family. I hope this doesn't hinder my business too much. In fact, I am hoping that by putting my family first I will be blessed in my business as well. I plan to do this by setting my work hours and being more efficient during that time so I don't have lagging work that needs to be completed last minute.
  2. MAKE DINNER - I know this sounds simple, but I need to be better at planning, preparing, and serving dinner every night. It is way too expensive to go out all the time and isn't nearly as good for you. A side goal of this is to have dinner ready within about 30 mins of Justin getting home from work so our together time isn't spent with me cooking in the kitchen! I plan to do this by preparing a meal plan and shopping 2 weeks at a time, sticking to the meal plan, and starting dinner in plenty of time for it to be ready when Justin gets home.
  3. KEEP AN ORGANIZED HOME - we are still in the process of getting all moved in, but I want everything to have a place in our home and to get in the habit of always putting things back where they belong. Whether it's doing the dishes or laundry, or just keeping the dining room table cleared off, I want my home to be a place that I am proud of no matter when the doorbell rings or who is behind it. I plan to do this by setting a laundry schedule, cleaning up dishes after each meal, and picking up the house during the kids nap times each and every day.
  4. BE MORE SPIRITUAL - this is an area I have always struggled with. I need to do a better job of reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, having family home evening, teaching my children, attending the temple and preparing myself for church services each week. I seem to always be able to find time to check Facebook, work on work, etc. I CAN find time to dedicate to the Lord and to my own personal growth. I plan to do this by waking up before the kids each day so I can have time to read my scriptures and say personal prayer, by dedicating a night for family home evening and preparing the lesson, and by preparing myself for church each week.
  5. READ FOR FUN - I am in the middle of The Work and The Glory series right now. I want to make sure that I continue to take time for myself and read just for fun. I also want to read to the kids for fun each and every day! I plan to do this by reading in my book before I go to sleep each night, by reading to the kids before nap time and bed time, and by taking time to read at random to them during the day. The books are only like 10 mins long each at most, I can do this!
  6. LOSE WEIGHT - ha ha ha, I know what you are thinking. HELLO, I'm pregnant. BUT I will only be pregnant until April and I know what I weighed before I got pregnant and let me tell you - I need to lose weight. SO trying to be realistic and knowing that I will have a worse start than normal, I am setting the goal to be down 20 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight by the end of 2011. No, I'm not going to share with you what that end number is...but I know :-) I plan on doing this by going for daily walks (eventually daily runs would be nice), finding work out videos to do through Netflix, Directv, etc., and hopefully if our finances allow it I would love to get and use the Wii Fit (have the Wii - just need the Fit)
I may add to this as the year goes on but I cannot and WILL NOT delete from it. I may give updates periodically and if you feel so inclined I would LOVE your help and encouragement. Feel free to check up on me and help make me accountable for my resolutions. We all know that it's easier to stick to a task or goal when you have someone to report to. 



The DeGiulio's said...

Good luck! Sounds like you have some great resolutions.

chad and candice said...

You can do it!! And you will be blessed for all of it when you put what really matters first! good luck!

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